Thursday, 29 August 2013

Assessing Writing Skill

First assessment strategy : 

Book response journals

~ Journals are places where individual students write a  short piece at regular intervals.

~ They are usually responded to by the teacher . 

Why have journal writing?

A journal entry can have any topic. If the main purpose is to discuss progress, then in a writing class the student could:

Some examples: 

Second assessment strategy :

Essay strategy: 

         An essay is a writing sample in which a student constructs a response to a question, topic, or brief statement, and supplies supporting details or arguments.
         The essay allows the teacher to assess the student's understanding and ability to analyse and synthesize information.

Provide Feedback

1. Establish a climate of trust and respect.
Remember, student egos are fragile. Feedback should be given to help, not hurt. Be encouraging. Remember, negativity creates defensiveness.

2. Don’t overwhelm students.
Limit feedback to the amount of information that the student can absorb. Identify the key areas that need additional work.

3. Keep comments impersonal.
Focus on specifics.

4. Refer back to your grading criteria.

5. Couch comments in “I” terms.
I got lost here. I’m confused—did you mean to say...?

6. Structure your comments as questions or suggestions, rather than as criticisms.

7. Rephrase the paper’s main points
If you take students’ ideas seriously, they will work harder to express them clearly.

8. Use questions to identify errors.
You might, for example, ask students for more information, or ask whether this is what they meant to say.


  1. Great notes! Thanks for posting about the assessment strategies. It is very useful and I can apply it later. And the point about "Structure your comments as questions or suggestions, rather than as criticisms" serves as a reminder for me and others as well, that sometimes, we tend to be over critical about something. However, as teachers, it is important for us to remember that we should not criticise our students' work. Instead we should always give constructive feedback to help them improve. A great reminder indeed! :)

  2. Excellent post! Thanks a lot for sharing this piece of valuable information. This information will surely benefit teachers all around the world seeking for alternatives in assessment strategies. Thanks again.
