Monday 17 June 2013

Nature and Purpose of Writing

What is writing?
  • activity of making letters or numbers on a surface, especially using a pen or a pencil.

           (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, 2010)
  • Writing is a system of letters 
      (i.e. “a, b, c, … z”) used in interpersonal communication. Usually, writing is done on flat surfaces such as
    Stone slabs    
  •   Writing is usually learned through systematic instruction, for eg:
    Formally (in schools)
    Informally (taught by parents at home)  
    Purpose of writing
  1. To get things done
    i.e. Homework, assignment 
  2. To inform
    Writing a memo, writing formal letters to explain absence from school, etc.
  3. To persuade
    • To disseminate information which will bring about certain behaviour changes among the readers.
    • To convince the reader to agree with and/or accept it.
              Eg: health-related brochures
  4. To maintain relationships
    Writing informal letters to family members, friends, pen-pals, etc
  5. To document occurrences, events, etc
    Writing journals, log books, diaries
  6. To record feelings, experiences, observations, or to express feelings, etc
    • Writing journals, log books, diaries, etc
    • As a form of self-expression in which the writer expresses his opinion, views or personal thoughts (i.e. reader’s opinion column in the newspaper or personal blogs in the internet) 


    1. Chitravelu, N., Sithamparam, S. & Teh, S.C. (2005). ELT methodology principles and practice. Selangor: Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd.
    2. Meyers, A. (2003). Writing with confidence. USA: Addison Wesley Longman.

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